Become A Member

Interested in becoming a member?

Now more than ever, it is the right time to have your Riverhead Chamber of Commerce support you!

We continue to grow and improve in order to:

  • Bring innovation and new ideas to our members and the Riverhead business community

  • Create more opportunities for our members through planning and economic development initiatives

  • Identify opportunities for members early on and make introductions

  • Support Riverhead businesses of all types and help promote through our connection to NYS Department of Tourism and Discover Long Island.

  • Maintain a strong relationship with Stony Brook University to align with their considerable resources and make those available to our members

  • Partner with Riverhead Town Council, Suffolk County Alliance of Chambers and high profile agencies to identify opportunities in the region, get government support & to provide businesses a strong voice

  • Create networking opportunities to enable you to connect with people who can be customers, vendors, or allies to help build your business

  • Help provide access to capital for growing business throughout the local region as well as access to professionals in commercial law, accounting & intermediaries

Member Benefits

  • Business Referrals

  • Listing in Business Directory with links to your Website

  • Access to our Member Information Center where you can post Events; Jobs & Hot Deals

  • Be featured in our Social Media

  • Promo Material Display

  • Legislative Alerts

  • Submit Promo Material in our monthly Newsletter (over 3,500+ subscribers)

  • Local, County State and Federal Government Advocacy

  • Networking Events

  • Access to Chamber Partners

  • Ground Breaking, Grand Opening & New Business Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

  • Multiple Sponsorship & Advertisement Opportunities

  • Business Consultations & Marketing Strategies

  • Discounted booth pricing at Alive on 25, Riverhead Country Fair. Cardboard Boat Race and all chamber events

    Start taking advantage of the benefits and services available to Chamber members by becoming a member today.

    We encourage your company to join our active chamber to market your business, take advantage of our educational seminars and publications, attend our events and meet fellow business owners and professionals in our region. The benefits of membership are numerous so start taking advantage of them by becoming a member today!

Online Application

2025 Memberbership Levels

INDIVIDUAL: $75 (No Business Promotion)


1-10 EMPLOYEES: $195.00

11-20 EMPLOYEES: $295

21-50 EMPLOYEES: $495

51+ EMPLOYEES: $795


1-10 EMPLOYEES: $150

11-20 EMPLOYEES: $225

21-50 EMPLOYEES: $345

51+ EMPLOYEES: $550


Start taking advantage of the benefits and services available to Chamber members by becoming a member today.

We encourage your company to join our active chamber to market your business, take advantage of our educational seminars and publications, attend our events and meet fellow business owners and professionals in our region. The benefits of membership are numerous so start taking advantage of them by becoming a member today!